Necros/FM - Orchard Street

The Heckfire Club

Welcome to... The Heckfire Club!!

AAAA Hi, I'm Zeku, a VTuber who loves import and retro games, coding, and lots of media I find cool, weird, or dumb and sometimes all of those things.

How to sync your Neocities page via WebDAV:

  • rclone config
  • n for new remote
  • type a convenient name like 'neocities'
  • look through the list for a line that says WebDAV and type the number
  • url is: ''
  • choose (other)
  • enter username
  • choose y) type in my own password
  • enter password
  • re-enter password
  • press [enter] to leave bearer_token blank
  • choose n) to not edit advanced config
Now you can sync your local code with Neocities like this!!

rclone . neocities:

this isn't the same as source control and you could still overwrite something. Be sure to use Git or something to make sure you don't sync some old stuff over your work.


  • Make RSS feed or something I dunno lol
  • Setup Neovim so I don't have to code like a caveman